
Welcome To James H Boyd Gospel Ministries


What's New? | Statement of Faith | About James | Articles and Essays| Ministry Links| Contact

Welcome to the Official Home of James H Boyd Gospel Ministries

Video Introduction

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Let's Connect!


The Legacy: Wisdom From the Life of Jesus

Repairing the Breach: Denominations, Divisions and True Unity

James' Sermons


Controversial Topics

The Legacy Audio Podcast

On iTunes

On Google

On Soundcloud

Featured Blog Posts

Are You Sure You Believe In Christ's Teachings?

Snakes and Scripture

Troubling Bible Passages 1: Slavery

Troubling Bible Passages 2: Genocide

Troubling Bible Passages 3: The Death Penalty



Thank you for visiting the official website of interdenominational Bible teacher James H Boyd. Based in east Tennessee, James H Boyd Gospel Ministries was founded in 2019 to spread the Gospel of Jesus through as many platforms as possible. This includes Video , Audio , Blogging and of course, in person! Wherever you may be on your spiritual journey, you will find resources here to help you.


Mission Statement

The aim of James' ministry is, in the words of Charles Spurgeon, to "...take the text, then make a beeline to the cross." In other words, to introduce people to Jesus by way of the Scriptures in a way that transcends cultural and denominational barriers. His aim is to always be:

Foundational, yet practical: That is, to be firmly rooted in the fundamental doctrines of Scripture with a focus on how they apply to everyday life.

Charismatic, yet grounded: That is, operating in the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit while avoiding the excesses and abuses that sometimes do creep in

Simple, without being simplistic: That is, seeking to proclaim the simple, unchanging message of the Gospel to an increasingly complex and ever changing world.

Finally, James has adopted the ministry motto of "Keep It Real." In other words, the presentation of the Gospel is to be honest, relational and free from pretense.


Available For Ministry

James is available to teach in churches and events in the Knoxville/ East Tennessee region. You can click here to contact him or for references you can contact his home congregation, Trinity Community Church.


Site last Updated December11, 2024.

James H Boyd Gospel Ministries

Keep It Real!

© 2019-2024 James H Boyd Gospel Ministries, Clinton, TN


#jameshboyd #keepitreal #yourfriendjames


DISCLAIMERS: The views expressed on this site are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of my church, employer, family, friends or publications that I have contributed to. Only my dog ALWAYS agrees with me!

Inclusion of a link, quotation or other outside resource does not necessarily indicate 100% agreement or endorsement.

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