“Goat Herders?” Why Educated People Should Know the Bible

Is the Bible really the work of ignorant, "bronze age goat herders?" The above meme is a popular catch phrase among those who would try to discredit it. As usual, however, such characterizations are utterly ridiculous. Approximately 40 people were used by God to bring us the Bible. Given the agrarian nature of the culture, … Continue reading “Goat Herders?” Why Educated People Should Know the Bible

Election Year Sanity 2: “Fake News?”

‭ "I hate and abhor falsehood..." Psalm 119:163 ESV‬ "There's no such thing as fake news.It is either news, or fiction..."Fake" and "news" should be mutually exclusive. If it is fake. It cannot be called news. ¹" Veteran journalist Dave Foulk There was a time when iconic news anchor Walter Cronkite was known as "the … Continue reading Election Year Sanity 2: “Fake News?”

Troubling Bible Passages 3: The Death Penalty

Any believer attempting to share his or her faith will eventually be confronted with the cliched "gotcha" verses often cited by unbelievers. Often, they will bring up ritual purity laws from the Old Testament which may indeed appear strange to modern Western eyes. Others, however, hit very close to home in today's world and how … Continue reading Troubling Bible Passages 3: The Death Penalty

The Calvinist/Arminian Controversy

Calvinism or Arminianism? The debate between Arminianism and Calvinism, which concerns God's sovereignty and man's free will, is one of the most divisive in the church today. Rather than being an honest, respectful dialogue among brethren, this debate has led to an unhealthy compartmentalization within the Body of Christ. Sadly, this has resulted in much … Continue reading The Calvinist/Arminian Controversy

The “Politically Incorrect” Teachings of Jesus

The above quote is often used to reprimand "un-Christlike" Christians. Ghandi had first hand experience with this. For example, he was once turned away from a church service because he was not white. Certainly, we Christians have often failed to live up to the ideals of our Savior. I make no excuses for that either … Continue reading The “Politically Incorrect” Teachings of Jesus

Holy Living 3: Legalism- Counterfeit Holiness

In Part 1 of our study, we have discussed God's command for all Christians to live holy lives. In Part 2 we discussed the wonderful experience of sanctification and how the work in making us holy is ultimately God's, not ours. As we conclude, the next question becomes "What does a holy life look like?" … Continue reading Holy Living 3: Legalism- Counterfeit Holiness

Holy Living 2: The Sanctification Factor

Can Jesus be your savior without being your lord? The so-called "Lordship Salvation" debate has become one of the most divisive issues in the modern church. While both sides raise some valid points, I have concluded that the answer is much more nuanced than it may appear on the surface. In this continuation of our … Continue reading Holy Living 2: The Sanctification Factor

What Is a Full Gospel Christian?

Originally published on James and Dave's Bible Page " One of the disturbing things about Christianity is that very few Christians ever advance beyond their first revelation." Lester Sumrall¹ Walking with God is (or at least, should be) an unfolding process in which we get to know Him better and better. As we discussed before, … Continue reading What Is a Full Gospel Christian?