Doctrine and the Christian Life

Originally published on James and Dave's Bible Page Jesus answered them and said "My doctrine is not mine, but His that sent me." (John 7:16) But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine. (Titus 2:1) Mention the word "doctrine" among church circles, and you will get a variety of different responses. On one hand, … Continue reading Doctrine and the Christian Life

The “Politically Incorrect” Teachings of Jesus

The above quote is often used to reprimand "un-Christlike" Christians. Ghandi had first hand experience with this. For example, he was once turned away from a church service because he was not white. Certainly, we Christians have often failed to live up to the ideals of our Savior. I make no excuses for that either … Continue reading The “Politically Incorrect” Teachings of Jesus

Alcohol: To Imbibe Or Not To Imbibe?

The issue of alcohol has always been a controversial one within the Christian community. Did Jesus make, or advocate the use of, intoxicating wine? Is having an occasional drink really that big of a deal? These are certainly valid questions that committed Christians have asked over the years. Beliefs and practices among individuals vary. Baptists, … Continue reading Alcohol: To Imbibe Or Not To Imbibe?

Heaven, Hell, Eternity and You

Transcript of a Sermon Preached at Morgan County Correctional Facility in Wartburg, TN on Sunday, June 4th 2023 God is a relational God. Keep that in mind as we go through this message. Everything with God comes down to relationship, especially when we think of eternity and the afterlife. Turn with me to Ecclesiastes 3:11 … Continue reading Heaven, Hell, Eternity and You

Holy Living 3: Legalism- Counterfeit Holiness

In Part 1 of our study, we have discussed God's command for all Christians to live holy lives. In Part 2 we discussed the wonderful experience of sanctification and how the work in making us holy is ultimately God's, not ours. As we conclude, the next question becomes "What does a holy life look like?" … Continue reading Holy Living 3: Legalism- Counterfeit Holiness