Are You SURE You Believe In Christ’s Teachings?

The above quote is often used to reprimand "un-Christlike" Christians. Ghandi had first hand experience with this. For example, he was once turned away from a church service because he was not white. Certainly, we Christians have often failed to live up to the ideals of our Savior. I make no excuses for that either … Continue reading Are You SURE You Believe In Christ’s Teachings?

Alcohol: To Imbibe Or Not To Imbibe?

The issue of alcohol has always been a controversial one within the Christian community. Did Jesus make, or advocate the use of, intoxicating wine? Is having an occasional drink really that big of a deal? These are certainly valid questions that committed Christians have asked over the years. Beliefs and practices among individuals vary. Baptists, … Continue reading Alcohol: To Imbibe Or Not To Imbibe?

“F Word” Needs Clearer Definition

Originally published in The Tennessee Journalist May 27, 2009, not THAT “f-word.” Rather, the f-word I refer to sometimes draws an even more negative reaction. That word is “Fundamentalism.” "Fundamentalism" is a specifically Christian term. Consequentially, much modern usage in the media (i.e. attributing the 9-11 attacks to "Islamic Fundamentalists") is a severe misrepresentation … Continue reading “F Word” Needs Clearer Definition

Jesus: Conservative or Liberal? Part 2-Jesus, Money and the Poor

Originally published on James and Dave's Bible Page "Whose side would Jesus be on, the wealthy businessman's, or the poor farmer's?" In the many discourses about Christianity and politics, questions like this one often come up in order to make the case that God cannot be tied to popular right-wing political ideologies (a point which, … Continue reading Jesus: Conservative or Liberal? Part 2-Jesus, Money and the Poor

Jesus: Conservative or Liberal? Part 3: Biblical Stewardship, Charity and Welfare

Originally published on James and Dave's Bible Page As we conclude our series on applying Jesus' teachings to the modern political arena, I would like to share an illustration from a rather unlikely source: baby sitting. I was once helping to watch two young children, a boy and a girl, for some friends. While we … Continue reading Jesus: Conservative or Liberal? Part 3: Biblical Stewardship, Charity and Welfare

“Happy Holidays,” Tolerance and Common Sense

The holidays are here, and not a moment too soon. Although the season has vastly different meanings to different people,  it provides us with an opportunity  to end the year on a much needed "up" note that appeals to our highest ideals. However, as usual, there is also the usual saber rattling about the proper greetings … Continue reading “Happy Holidays,” Tolerance and Common Sense

Jesus: Conservative or Liberal? Part 2-Jesus, Money and the Poor

Originally published on James and Dave's Bible Page "Whose side would Jesus be on, the wealthy businessman's, or the poor farmer's?" In the many discourses about Christianity and politics, questions like this one often come up in order to make the case that God cannot be tied to popular right-wing political ideologies (a point which, … Continue reading Jesus: Conservative or Liberal? Part 2-Jesus, Money and the Poor

A Response to “The West Wing” Bible Scene

One would think this would be old news by now, but a twenty year old television clip continues to make waves today. More specifically, this scene from the critically acclaimed TV show “The West Wing” is still frequently used in an attempt to discredit both the Bible and those who believe it: The second … Continue reading A Response to “The West Wing” Bible Scene

Jesus and Homosexuality

As the endless culture wars continue to escalate in our nation and around the world, much of the rhetoric centers around the issue of homosexuality. Furthermore, people on all sides of the debate clamor to make the Lord Jesus Christ a spokesman for their cause. If you are in this situation, I would like to … Continue reading Jesus and Homosexuality